Comp Nordic
Phone: (530) 426-3313 Ext. 102 | Email:
Head Comp Coach:
Bernie Nelson
Follow The Nordic Program
The ASC Training Center Competition Ski Team is a part of Far West Nordic’s racing division and is open to athletes ages 14 to 19 who are interested in high-level cross-country skiing. This program is designed to turn proficient skiers into competitive racers. Our many focuses include fitness and training, technique development, and participation in local, regional, and national level racing. (We have lots of fun as well!) We aim to prepare athletes for competition at the Junior National level and foster a lifelong interest in the sport. We believe that training is fundamental to success in winter racing, and tailor our programs to help athletes reach their goals.
Activities include skate and classic skiing, running, ski imitation, classic and skate roller skiing, and strength. Training will be balanced between intervals, distance, speed, technique, and strength.
See Nordic Training Camps page for info about domestic and international trips.
GRADES (AGES): 9th-12th (ages 14-19), U16-U20
Comp Team Full-Time:
- Year-Round: June 1 – April 15. 190 sessions.
- Pricing includes 5-8 sessions per week Summer, Fall, and Winter.
- Cost: $3150
- Our most comprehensive offering. Full-time, year round support for athletes. Additional sessions planned to be added based on athlete needs and training cycle.
- Suggested program for local athletes on the Biathlon Team: Comp FT + Biathlon Add-On. See Comp Lite for a second option
Comp Team Lite:
- Year-Round: June 1 – April 15. 116 sessions.
- Tues/Sat/Sun (Winter), Tues/Weds/Fri (off-season)
- Cost: $1950
Great option for multi-sport athletes, athletes moving up to Comp from Devo, and our regional athletes living out of the area.
Suggested program for regional athletes on Biathlon Team: Comp Lite + Biathlon Add-On.
Summer Only (Full-Time):
- June 1 – August 28: 60 sessions
- Cost: $975
- NEW! Full Time Summer Training Program for College Athletes. Includes all sessions 5-8 per week. Does not include camps.
- Athletes will get personalized training and 1:1 coaching opportunities based on athlete goals and needs. HR testing and regular lactate testing included
Summer Only (Two-Day):
- June 1 – August 28: 20-30 sessions.
- Cost: $650
- Tuesday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday.
Best option for multisport athletes that want to train part-time nordic over the summer. Option for athletes to combine morning and afternoon sessions in a single day.
Winter Only (Full-Time):
- September 11- April 15: 128 sessions.
- Cost: $2150 (full-time)
Full-time option for athletes with busy summers, travel plans, or other sport commitments. Provides dryland opportunities through the fall and a seamless transition to winter programming on snow.
Pricing includes all sessions offered starting after fall break. 5-8 sessions/week.
Winter Only (Two-Day):
- September 11- April 13: 64 sessions.
- Cost: $1350 (two-day)
Part-time winter option. Join us 2-days a week to progress your skiing! Provides choice of dryland opportunities through the fall. Option for Tuesday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday.Pricing includes 2 sessions per week fall through winter.
GenerAl Training Schedule (winter)
Rest Day
Speeds / Technique
Fall: Intensity
Winter: Practice with High School / Middle School team
Fall: Distance
Winter: PreRace
CNISSF RACES (High School and Middle School League)
Fall: Intervals
Winter: Distance
Fall: Strength
Winter: On Your Own
Fall: Distance
Winter: Overdistance

Training LocationS
Our Training Sessions bounce around various locations in the Truckee/Tahoe Area.
- ASC Training Center (19749 Boreal Ridge Road, Soda Springs, CA).
- North Tahoe High School/Tahoe Cross Country (2945 Polaris Rd, Tahoe City, CA 96145).
- Truckee High School *summer only* (11725 Donner Pass Rd, Truckee, CA 96161).
- Kilner Park *summer only* (410 Ward Avenue, Tahoe City, CA).
- Truckee River View Sports Park *summer only* (12200 Joerger Dr, Truckee, CA 96161).
- Squaw Valley Park *summer only* (101 Squaw Valley Rd, Olympic Valley, CA 96146).
Our athletes rise to the top of the Far West Division and do extremely well regionally and nationally at the highest competition levels. We consistently qualify more athletes for the Far West Junior National team than any other regional program.
Our mission as a non-profit training facility is to keep costs affordable for our athletes. In 2018, we celebrated our 90th year of winter sports excellence. We’ve been raising champions at Auburn Ski Club since 1928!
ASC Training Center hosts some of the major Far West Nordic qualifying races each season on the Comp/Devo Team’s home trails. Our 25+ km trail system features FIS-homologated 5km, 2.5km, and 1.2km courses.
As the top training and racing venue in the western U.S., we have hosted the XC Junior Nationals five times, the USSA Supertour twice, the NCAA Nationals, and the US Biathlon Nationals. Our location on Donner Summit also means our teams are the first ones on the snow at the beginning of the season and the last ones off in the Spring!
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