ASC is Hiring a Biathlon range master position (linked Here)
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Biathlon Programs
Biathlon combines the physical test of cross-country skiing with the psychological demands of rifle marksmanship. With its origins dating back to hunting and military campaigns in snow-covered regions, biathlon is today the most televised winter sport in countries like Germany, Austria, Norway France, and Italy.
The ASC Training Center has the only Olympic distance, year-round biathlon range in the west. We offer winter and summer programs as well as group and private clinics. ASC also hosts a variety of biathlon races throughout the year and offer top-level coaching and facilities at affordable costs.
All athletes, regardless of age, are required to provide their own equipment, including rifles, ammunition, and ski equipment. ASC will have a limited restricted Air Rifle Lease Program. Please contact the program director for more information. All Biathlon athletes new to ASC must be 15 years of age or older before using a 22lr Biathlon Rifle.
All programs will be open to 22lr Biathlon Rifle and Biathlon Air Rifles. Range times will be different for each. Contact the Program Director to discuss the best match for your interests and skill level.

Junior Biathlon
Tailored for biathletes who are 12-18 years old. From developing the focus and dedication needed in biathlon to pursuing joining the incredible biathletes we see race on the big screen, biathlon is an atmosphere that will help developing athlete succeed in all areas of life.
Masters Biathlon
The Masters 22lr Biathlon program is designed for biathletes looking for biathlon range coaching and range time. Coaches will focus on refining range technique and increasing the accuracy of the athlete. Coaches will work with the biathlete’s individual physical training programs and incorporate those into range coaching to help the biathlete obtain the best results.
Benefits Of Our Biathlon program
- Complimentary ASC Training Center cross country season trail pass for Junior athletes.
- $60 discount for siblings enrolled concurrently in any ASC winter program.
- Eligible to purchase a discounted Palisades (Olympic Valley/Alpine Meadows) IKON season pass.
- Parents of minors in the program may purchase discounted ASC Training Center cross country season trail passes.

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